As we’ve entered month eight of this pandemic how are you really feeling? I know I have had quite the journey over the last eight months. More ups and downs than many people have in a lifetime but no matter what I have to keep moving forward. Many years ago, as I was leaving a position that I held for a few years, I was gifted with a framed print for my office. The print was of the poem The Dash. That framed print now sits in our home office. The other day as I was fighting with the computer to do what I needed it to do, I looked up and there was the poem. It reminded me that no matter what we do, it is today that we need to make count, because tomorrow isn’t promised.
I’ve been thinking a lot during these past eight months…but really haven’t we all. What is the bigger plan for myself and my family. God knows my kid is destined to do amazing things and my husband, well the best thing he did was marry me a decade ago (ha! ha!) so now what about me? Was the fundraising jobs I held and the money I raised my destiny? Should I be working on a greater goal, other than raising an amazing human (my daughter)? Have any of you been in this place of questioning during this pandemic? Wondering if coasting though life, as I’ve heard some friends call it, is enough? Has the magic answer hit you in the face yet or are you still digging for it? What tools have you used to figure out the next part of your dash? I’d love to hear from you.
In the meantime, in case you haven’t read the poem by Linda Ellis, I leave it for you below.