Preparing for Christmas

Well it is official with less than 10 days left until the big day the Christmas Season is upon us. This time is filled with family, friends, food, drink and panic in many households. Panic of how one will get through these crazy days. Spending time with family members perhaps you don’t like. Pushing through the dreaded shopping mall to buy that gift for your dear aunt. Waiting in line for hours for that one picture with St. Nick just to have your child have a meltdown as you get to the front of the line. Some people love it and some people hate it. Personally I love it!

I am very much an A type personality if you haven’t figured it out yet.  I used to like the house to be decorated just a certain way.  Everything had its place on the mantle or under the tree.  The cards were ready to go in the mail on December 1st.  I hand wrote every card and have over a hundred person Christmas card list.  Well all that went to shit when my little one came along.  The house is still decorated, just not how it used to be.  The cards are going in the mail, just a week before Christmas instead of almost a month before Christmas.  The waiting in line for St. Nick wasn’t so bad, just an hour of my life that I’ll never get back.  I was lucky the little Miss could have cared less who was holding her and truly was unimpressed by the man in red.  As she told one auntie, “I’m being good because people say he’s a big deal around here.”  I have half opened presents around my tree because we didn’t put the gates up fast enough and she ripped open a few.  Luckily they were hers or yiayia’s (who will find it endearing).

Today a friend and I will tackle the Christmas baking (Canadian/American style).  I’ll let you know how we make out next week.  With a 10 month old and an almost 8 month old in the house, it’ll either be a disaster, or the best treats you’ve ever had in your life!

As I look back it is amazing the difference from this Christmas to last, yet I wouldn’t change a thing!!

photo(1)A big shout out to my hubby for watching the little one last night so I can go to my first Paint Nite.  I admit, it isn’t great but for someone who can barely draw stick figures…I’ll take it 🙂  To find a Paint Nite near you click here.

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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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