Super mom

It is amazing the things that can be discussed over coffee.  Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting up with a friend that I had not seen since I was pregnant.  Considering the little one is almost nine months old, it has been a while.  We met at our favourite Starbucks and after catching up on work and the family our conversation included life, death, and the pressures of motherhood.  One thing that she said that  stood with me was how hard the first couple of years of being a mother truly are.  Here you are, responsible for this life that really can not communicate to you.  You are still expected to be a stellar employee, the sexy wife and a super mom.  Even A type personality women can be sent over the edge by this pressure.  I am sure at one time or another all women have felt this pressure subconsciously but until I had someone actually admit it to me of course I thought I was the only one.

Now I know women talk about everything and anything and usually so much more than men but I think when it comes to being honest about their situations, many don’t admit this or if they do it is to their closest confidantes.  I don’t know why, perhaps it is because they think they’ll be judged by others or that they’ll look weaker in front of their counterparts.  I say the only way we can be better mothers and role models for our daughters and sons is by having these conversations.  Admitting that we don’t need to be superwomen in the office, the bedroom and the kitchen.  We sometimes need 15 minutes to ourselves to just think and gain our composure so that we can take on the world the other 23 hours and 45 minutes of the day!  And for this we should not feel guilty.  The underlying guilt that comes with motherhood was one that no one prepared me for.  You feel guilty for decisions you make, you feel guilty for situations you can’t control, you feel guilty for going back to work, you feel guilty for not going back to work and having your other half be the breadwinner.  Whatever the issue we need to learn to let go of the guilt as it will eat us alive.  Be comfortable with the decisions you make.  Apologize if they don’t have the outcome that you hope for and move on.  Be stronger for both yourself and your family.  And if all else fails, go in the bathroom, unbutton your shirt and look at that ‘supermom’ tee that you’re wearing.  Everyone else thinks you are so you better start believing it yourself mama!!





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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year!  Amazingly we entered 2015 with a sense of calmness and peace in our house.  Who am I kidding?!? There was a baby crying, toys thrown all over the floor, music blaring.  Oh wait that was January 1st.  On New Year’s Eve we were all tucked away in our beds by 10:30 and I honestly wouldn’t have had it any other way.I won’t sit here and bore you with my plans for the new year.  Plus no fun in reading it all in advance, you’ll have to wait for it to play out week by week.

The one thing I’ll tell you is my goal is to care.  I guess I should explain.  Of course I care about my family, friends, etc., but I need to stop caring about the fact that they breakfast dishes aren’t done and put away by 10am (or at least that’s what my hubby tells me 🙂 ).  I have to care less that the beds aren’t made and that there are toys across the living room floor.  That is my goal not only to myself but to my little girl.  Crazy to believe in a few months we’ll be celebrating a birthday and yes the planning has begun.  I want to take these last few months before the big 0-1 and cherish them even more.  So if you come to my house and find some crumbs from the apple, spinach, banana muffin I baked for my LO, or if you see the coffee mugs still in the sink at 1:00pm, I’m sorry.  I was too busy getting hugs and kisses from my little one to notice.

Wishing you all a great 2015.  Remember this is not a dress rehearsal so make today count!!


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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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Preparing for Christmas

Well it is official with less than 10 days left until the big day the Christmas Season is upon us. This time is filled with family, friends, food, drink and panic in many households. Panic of how one will get through these crazy days. Spending time with family members perhaps you don’t like. Pushing through the dreaded shopping mall to buy that gift for your dear aunt. Waiting in line for hours for that one picture with St. Nick just to have your child have a meltdown as you get to the front of the line. Some people love it and some people hate it. Personally I love it!

I am very much an A type personality if you haven’t figured it out yet.  I used to like the house to be decorated just a certain way.  Everything had its place on the mantle or under the tree.  The cards were ready to go in the mail on December 1st.  I hand wrote every card and have over a hundred person Christmas card list.  Well all that went to shit when my little one came along.  The house is still decorated, just not how it used to be.  The cards are going in the mail, just a week before Christmas instead of almost a month before Christmas.  The waiting in line for St. Nick wasn’t so bad, just an hour of my life that I’ll never get back.  I was lucky the little Miss could have cared less who was holding her and truly was unimpressed by the man in red.  As she told one auntie, “I’m being good because people say he’s a big deal around here.”  I have half opened presents around my tree because we didn’t put the gates up fast enough and she ripped open a few.  Luckily they were hers or yiayia’s (who will find it endearing).

Today a friend and I will tackle the Christmas baking (Canadian/American style).  I’ll let you know how we make out next week.  With a 10 month old and an almost 8 month old in the house, it’ll either be a disaster, or the best treats you’ve ever had in your life!

As I look back it is amazing the difference from this Christmas to last, yet I wouldn’t change a thing!!

photo(1)A big shout out to my hubby for watching the little one last night so I can go to my first Paint Nite.  I admit, it isn’t great but for someone who can barely draw stick figures…I’ll take it 🙂  To find a Paint Nite near you click here.

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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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Another two firsts…

Well we had another two firsts this week…our first haircut and our first γιορτή! I have to say I’m so proud of how well she did with the haircut.  She sat in the convertible all by herself, wore a bright pink cape and for the most part let the hairdresser do her job.  And for her ονομαστική εορτή she cut a cake with her γιαγιά that celebrates as well and she even had a little lick of the frosting thanks to her dad.

Everything you read will tell you something different about this stage of the game. I can tell you that we’re somewhere in the middle of it all.  I still can’t believe that I have a six month old but it really hit me this part week.  As my little one sat in her high chair it hit me that she’s not a newborn anymore.  She is this amazing little person with her two teeth, killer smile and upbeat personality.  She is banging on tables, blabbing away, pulling hair and moving in circles but hasn’t mastered the forward crawl yet.  She has tasted a variety of food including: avocados, sweet potatoes, toast, Kalamata olives, and her godmothers famous pizza sauce.  It truly is an adventure everyday and I’m just so blessed that she’s letting us go along for the ride!

And as we move along in our own little world today let’s take a moment to say thank you to all the men and women who fought and made the ultimate sacrifice. Whichever of my countries you live in, today is a day to be grateful and to remember those who made it possible for you to have the life you do.

pop vet

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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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We’ve had a busy week. Miss K started two of her fall classes. I know if you’re Greek you’re sitting there saying she’s sending her kid to school now? She should have started a couple of months ago!  We are adding onto our nursery rhyme collection…if you remember I’m better with the Greek ones than the English ones. One class is primarily rhymes and reading so we should be able to add to our repertoire! We’re also excited to have our paternal γιαγιά and παππού back from Greece. Of course they spoiled the little one. We’re beyond loving our new Ζουζουνακιά collection (see picture below).

It is important to me and hubby that our little Miss is able to grow up embracing her Greekness. Growing up in the διασπορά it is hard to be able to continue those customs and traditions that were instilled in us by our parents.  When I was 21 I spent 3 months in Greece after finishing my degree.  I primarily spent the time in Athens but I did spend a week or so in my dad’s village.  My dad’s village finally got asphalt roads that year if it gives you a visual of what it was like.  My aunt and uncle from the US (God rest their souls) were in Greece that summer.  I was walking with one cousin from the aunt and uncle’s house to our house.  We could see sitting about 4 houses down two little old ladies, widows, as they were dressed all in black.  As we were walking closer I heard one say to the other, “έρχεται η αμερικανα”…”oh here comes the American.”  I of course with a big smile on my face respond in my perfectly accented Greek, looking behind me, “που, που είναι η αμερικανικα;…Where oh where is the American?”  The women were in shock, literally jaws dropped.  They continued to say, “παιδί μου μιλάτε ελληνικά;…My child you speak Greek?”  I replied, “φυσικά μιλάω ελληνικά, εχω αποφοιτήσει από το Ελληνικό Σχολείο, kai σπούδασα ελληνική μελέτες στο πανεπιστήμιο….Of course I speak Greek I finished 8 years of Greek School and minored in Modern Greek Studies in university.”  Well needless to say the ladies were shocked.  They could not believe that an “Amerikanaki” like me could speak Greek with no detection of a foreign accent or anything.

One thing my father said many years ago and has stuck with me is he didn’t learn how to speak English so his kids could learn to speak Greek.  Now at the time growing up I didn’t understand what that meant.  Seriously you moved to a foreign land why wouldn’t you give it your all to learn everything you could.  Now don’t get me wrong he had a successful business and is able to hold his own but now that I have a daughter I understand a bit better what that meant.  If we don’t keep the language alive in our homes then it will be lost forever.  I try to speak Greek to Miss K all the time.  Why you might ask? Because I know that the older she gets the more prevalent the English language will be in her life.  Now is my chance to instill in her some of those traditions that were passed on to me, so when she goes to Greece 20 years from now on her own for 3 months the next generation of little old Greek ladies can be as shocked at how my Greek-Canadian/American daughter can speak better Greek than the locals!


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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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I’m doing the best I can

My darling daughter I’m doing the best I can.

Forgive me for shrieking in your ear when you grab a handful of mommy’s hair that had been worn in a ponytail or bun and hasn’t been down since you were born. How you seem to find the tiniest of hairs I’ll never know.

Forgive me for inconveniencing you when I tried to wear you during the day so that I could get a few things done around the house. The screams and tears for 45 seconds were enough to figure out that wasn’t going to work.

Forgive me when you are cranky after napping a total of 40 minutes all day even when I took you out for a car ride and carriage ride. Since it was raining we frequented Target, Marshall’s and Winners. I swear my face is now on their ‘beware of’ list as we do the same route every rainy day. If a loss prevention officer stops us I’ll explain how you liked to be rolled to sleep.

Forgive me if I’m not as excited tonight when after your diaper has been changed, you’ve eaten and were bathed, you still would not go to sleep. You see I have been running a fever all day long and the doctor says I have bronchitis. Don’t worry I’ll still love you to the moon and back.

Forgive me my darling daughter I’m doing the best I can….


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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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Chickens, puppies and piggies, oh my!

So today was one of those days. A lot has happened in the last two weeks since I wrote. Little Miss rolled over for the first time. Not sure who was more excited me or her dad who was showing the video to everyone!

She also was able to get lots of time in with her yiayia and pappou before they had to go back to the States. We had a wonderful visit with them and she was able to learn some more songs. As of right now pappou owes her 4 chickens, 7 puppies and 5 piggies. Let’s see if he pays up 🙂

Today is the feast day of the Virgin Mary and I decided to go to church…okay so this was picked up from Friday where I left off…it never ceases to amaze me at how people feel free to comment on anything and everything when you have a child. Little Miss behaved greatly. She had a bottle without a freak out before (go me on the timing) and I even was able to cool her down in the warm church. To cool her down off came her socks and sandals and obviously her blanket. So as church was wrapping up a couple of ladies came over to see her. The first thing they both said was how I needed to put socks in her right away so she won’t catch a cold. Did I also know how quickly babies can catch a cold?!? Okay so I might not be up on how fast a baby catches a cold, I’ll give you that one, but did you know my baby hates to be hot? Did you also know how I had been up 5 out of the last 7 nights because the house was wayyyy to hot for the little one? Did you know how I was the one that carried her for 40 weeks plus 10 days because she didn’t want to come out until she was ready? Did you know she is not like any other child as she is a complete individual. So my dear ladies, next time you want to tell me how my kid needs to wear socks in the middle of August in a non air conditioned church I may have a hard time biting my tongue.

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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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Another Beautiful Sunrise

Well it is official, I have seen another beautiful sunrise.  That is more sunrises than I witnessed my entire life before I had a baby.  Yes there was one particular night in Beantown when I witnessed the sunrise and those two nights on the Greek island of Mykonos when we closed down the nightclub but all in all I usually made it to bed before the sun came out.  Who knew that motherhood would change that?  No my baby wasn’t up with me, yet again she and hubby were peacefully snuggled in bed.  But as I’m finding out the more new moms I meet, this tends to be a common occurrence.  You either finish a feeding and can’t get back to sleep or wake up because baby hasn’t woken up for a feeding and can’t get back to sleep.  I’d like to say that I solved the world’s problems last night but honestly after checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, emails, CNN, my hometown paper and local papers, really there wasn’t much more to do.  Not much is on TV between 3am and 5am other than various infomercials even when you have 900 channels.

So what do you do when you can’t sleep?  Do you read? Warm milk?  Help a momma out and share your tips!!

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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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A day of rest?!

So it is 6:25am and I’m sitting with my first frappe of the day. For those of you who aren’t Greek frappe is the Greek’s version of iced coffee. I have been up since 2:00. I awoke worried that my little one hadn’t woken up yet. As one mommy so well put it the other day, I wake up freaking out that they’re still breathing! Well that was me last night/this morning, of course the little one was fine, she decided to have an extra long slumber before her feeding. Well once the feeding was done she wouldn’t burp well so all in all that took 45 minutes. Now I’m not sure about you but after 45 minutes of being awake, I’m done. So I did what everyone does but you’re not supposed to do, I picked up my phone. I checked Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, I was even tempted to look at Google+. I played my Words With Friends and checked emails. Put the phone away and waited for this amazing slumber and rest to take over my body. Ummm yeah not so much! So I Googled the best transitions for getting your baby to sleep the night in their crib (our little one is still in her bassinet), I Googled the transition of ready made formula to powder or concentrate (we’ve tried both and she didn’t like either).   I even Googled ways a mom can sleep better at night. That was a joke! I listened to my husband snore (sorry babe) and my little one gurgle, cry and moan in her sleep, even getting up a few times to make sure she was okay. Everyone was fine and snuggled in their beds while visions of sugar plums or ponies, danced in their heads. And then there was me…so I did it…I got out of bed. On the couch I found out that our TV was down, really we have to do something with this high speed internet that never works when you need it! When it came back on Mystic Pizza was my show of choice. I put away a load of the baby’s laundry, folded a load of our laundry and put in another load. I paid some bills and even took a shower. And now I sit here typing away sipping my frappe at 6:30am. Not sure about what you’re planning to do on your Sunday but I feel pretty accomplished already!

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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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Sleeping like a baby…

So another week has come and gone. Honestly, I have no idea where it goes, half the time I don’t even know what day it is. Feedings, diapers changes, bath times, bottle sterilization, laundry, tummy time, play time, limited nap time and some sleep is how the days are primarily spent. I was telling someone yesterday how I was able to manage a team of people, read/handle/respond to on average 300 emails a day, work for 14-16 hours, travelled via planes, trains and automobiles and yet was never as exhausted as I am how. It is true when they say a mother’s job is never done. How do all of you who have more than one kid do it?!?

On a sad note we had to say goodbye to our newborn clothes already. Little Miss is just too long and as she was kicking and doing her daily leg lifts it was not comfortable. I was hoping to get more than 5 weeks out of the clothes but what can you do? Hello 3 month outfits! And what is it with all of the sizing variances? I want to know if boys clothes vary this much or is it just girls? How can a 3 month onesie vary by 2 inches on the length? This is before I washed it so no shrinking was involved 🙂 I’ve starter to measure clothes at this point as I organize them in the closet because I realize that “objects may seem smaller than they appear.”

I leave you with a quote I read last week which was, “sleeping like a baby should be changed to sleeping with a warthog.” A couple of months ago I wouldn’t have any idea what that meant, today I agree 100%.

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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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