
Memories, we create them everyday.  The fully comments that our children share.  The huge smile on their faces as you’re pushing them on the swing at the park.  The early morning cuddles that give you just enough to get through the day.  In this day and age our memories are captured so easily.  Snap a photo on your phone and boom.  You can walk down memory lane everyday if you wanted to.  I finally had to delete some photos off of my iPhone the other day, yes to make room for more memories, and came across some photos I had forgotten about.  Some videos that are priceless, like the one where Miss K decided that the hummus should be all over her face, clothes and hair as opposed to inside of her tummy.  The video of my dad holding her just a couple of months old and singing to her.  Her first photo at two minutes old that her daddy took with tears in his eyes not able to believe that she really was here and all ours.  And of course so many more.  But what do we do with these photos?  I currently have 11,000 photos on my phone.  Yes that is with deleting a couple of thousand.  Do I really need that many on my phone?  I know I am not the only person out there that has this issue.  Someone asked me why I don’t upload them to the cloud or a computer?  I do, but some of the photos I just can’t bring myself to delete.  So please tell me what you do with all of your photos in this day and age?  Who still actually prints photos?  Other than the one or two a year I blow up either to frame or on canvas, what can I do with the the rest of ‘my memories’ so that they are front and center?  Help a mama out.

I had to share with you the poem below that I had saved to my photos.  It is a very good reminder for all of us to slow down. To find out more about Rebekah Knight, click here.

slow down mummy, there is no need to rush,
slow down mummy, what is all the fuss?
slow down mummy, make yourself a cup of tea.
slow down mummy, come spend some time with me.

slow down mummy, let’s pull boots on for a walk,
let’s kick at piles of leaves, and smile and laugh and talk.
slow down mummy, you look ever so tired,
come sit and snuggle under the duvet, and rest with me a while.

slow down mummy, those dirty dishes can wait,
slow down mummy, let’s have some fun – bake a cake!
slow down mummy, I know you work a lot,
but sometimes mummy, it’s nice when you just stop.

sit with us a minute,
and listen to our day,
spend a cherished moment,
because our childhood won’t stay!

~ R. Knight
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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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Happy to you…

Happy to you…a new phrase the kid has been practicing.  It could mean different things to different people.  For her it is easier to say than Happy New Year, which is what we were practicing.  As she was saying it, it got me thinking how my life has changed over the last year.  I went from having a baby to a toddler.  I went from being able to put my child in a playpen, to barely being able to go to the bathroom alone.  My phenomenal eater is now surviving on breadsticks and hummus.  Oh and my house is gated better than Fort Knox.  Regardless of all this I am happy.  Yes we all have our bad days, whether it is hers or mine, but all in all we are making daily memories and of course learning everyday.

Tonight as we ring in the New Year, we will cut the traditional Vasilopita.  Or as my friend and Greek food guru and blogger, Kalofagas puts it, the Billy bread.  We always cut a piece for God, Jesus and for the Virgin Mary, and then we cut a slice for the home.  We proceed to cut a slice for each member of our family present.  There is a coin in the bread and the symbolism is that if you find the coin you will have good luck all year long.  If you still haven’t made your Vasilopita yet it isn’t too late, pop over to Kalofagas’ recipe here.

As I sit and reflect on 2015, I want to say Thank You to each and everyone of you who takes the time to read this blog.  I hope once in a while it makes you laugh, makes you think and above all makes you feel connected with my little world. As you embark on your festivities tonight, whatever they may be, please be safe.  And as you wake up tomorrow, remember that you are starting with a clean slate…be sure to make the most of it and live it YOUR way!!








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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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Seriously Penelope…is there a Santa Claus?

Okay if you personally know me you know that I do my darnedest to Christmas shop throughout the year.  I have no patience for what comes out of humanity in December and mostly after the 20th of December.  The pushing, shoving, profanity spewing adults all trying to get the same parking spot, toy for their child, coffee so they can make it through the day.  Regardless of if you celebrate Christmas or not, you’re dealing with this craziness, and Canadians are the nicer people.  I am wondering if I’ve lost my American edge or I’m just getting older and realize it all doesn’t matter.

I know that tomorrow night and Thursday, I’ll have more photos than I can count on fingers, of people’s trees lined with gifts underneath.  Then photos of jubilation on the faces of family members once they open those gifts.  But really, truly, is that what we have become?  What I ask myself is when was the last time these people put the phones down and had a real moment with their families?  When did our lives have to become open books in order for us to get through the day? You might think I’m being judgmental and perhaps it is coming across that way but ladies and gentlemen, my wish for you this Christmas is to create real memories.  Put the phones down, put the video apps away and capture the smile on your children’s faces.  Ingrain that in your memory.  Take a moment to smile at the people who are around the tree with you, you never know when it might be your last Christmas together.  Leave the wrapping paper strewn on the floor and enjoy the hugs and kisses the morning gives you.  And for my friends who are spending Christmas alone this year, know that in a house in the suburbs outside of Toronto, in Canada, as I drink my morning coffee on Thursday, I’ll be thinking of you and thanking God for bringing each of you into my life.

I leave you with my RDKism:  “You never know when you might miss the actual moment because you’re too busy trying to prepare to capture a possible moment.”




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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year!  Amazingly we entered 2015 with a sense of calmness and peace in our house.  Who am I kidding?!? There was a baby crying, toys thrown all over the floor, music blaring.  Oh wait that was January 1st.  On New Year’s Eve we were all tucked away in our beds by 10:30 and I honestly wouldn’t have had it any other way.I won’t sit here and bore you with my plans for the new year.  Plus no fun in reading it all in advance, you’ll have to wait for it to play out week by week.

The one thing I’ll tell you is my goal is to care.  I guess I should explain.  Of course I care about my family, friends, etc., but I need to stop caring about the fact that they breakfast dishes aren’t done and put away by 10am (or at least that’s what my hubby tells me 🙂 ).  I have to care less that the beds aren’t made and that there are toys across the living room floor.  That is my goal not only to myself but to my little girl.  Crazy to believe in a few months we’ll be celebrating a birthday and yes the planning has begun.  I want to take these last few months before the big 0-1 and cherish them even more.  So if you come to my house and find some crumbs from the apple, spinach, banana muffin I baked for my LO, or if you see the coffee mugs still in the sink at 1:00pm, I’m sorry.  I was too busy getting hugs and kisses from my little one to notice.

Wishing you all a great 2015.  Remember this is not a dress rehearsal so make today count!!


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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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