In the United States November is a big month with Thanksgiving being in it and it being such a huge holiday. When I moved to Canada, November became do I dare say it–anti climactic. Yes we have Remembrance Day (Veteran’s Day for my US friends) and I will wear my poppy with pride but I don’t decorate my house for it, I don’t have a huge party for it. I do my part and remember those who have served for our country (on both sides of the border). So once the Halloween decorations come down, I feel like it is okay for the Christmas decorations to go up. When I was living in the US I would never have a tree up before Thanksgiving. It would always go up on the weekend after Thanksgiving. This year, which is unlike any other I’ve lived, I feel like we deserve the Christmas cheer to last a little longer. We deserve all of the those wonderful feelings of Christmases past that a tree, decorations, etc., evoke. So when will you put up your tree? I’d love for you to leave me a comment and let me know.
Every first of the month I try to put out a Facebook message wishing my family and friends a great month. Reminding us that it is a new start, as really every day is. Also reminding us that this is not a dress rehearsal and to make today count. So my wish to you my friends is a wonderful November. One filled with health, happiness, laughter and love. Know that you don’t need the first day of the month or the week to make a change. Any new day (or new hour for that matter) can be your first day in whatever you are trying to accomplish.