To the lady at the gym…thank you!

We’ve all had them, those days that you just want to give up.  When we aren’t seeing immediate results from our hard work and figure what is the point of it all?  I’ve been working out now for almost six months.  I went through a phase where I was at the gym five to six days a week and there were a couple of weeks where I didn’t go at all.  At the end of the day I realized that I needed to find a proper balance.  For me that is three workouts a week and one workout which consists of the kid’s swimming lesson.  You try holding a toddler and getting them to do what the instructor says.  I swear some weeks that is the hardest workout!  Lately the scale hasn’t been moving.  I know I’m gaining muscle, the fancy shmancy scale at the gym tells me so but I want to see it in different ways.

Last Thursday, I was wrapping my hands for kickboxing when a lady who was finishing up her personal training session came up to me and said, “I have to tell you that you look great, keep up the good work!”  I was shocked and thanked the woman.  She looked phenomenal and I let her know so.  They say timing is everything.  The night before I couldn’t sleep and I was thinking why am I doing all of this since nothing is happening and really why should I keep doing it?  The lady, in essence a stranger as we’ve never spoken to each other before, did what we should do for each other, she helped to build me up.  One of the toughest things I’ve learned being a woman is we’re the first to criticize, critique and bring people down.  One of the lessons I’m trying to instill in my daughter is that we must help each other and bring each other up.  Life is hard enough with the daily trials and tribulations, the least we can do is help one another.  We all need a cheering squad on our side.  I didn’t realize that sometimes our biggest cheerleaders are sitting on the sideline observing and coming in at just the right time.  To the lady at the gym…thank you!  Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to build me up that day.  I know many of you have seen this photo flying around especially as we’re newly into the year but it is a good reminder.

onelbI have friends who are marathon runners, other who swear by Zumba and others who should have been professional swimmers.  My point is regardless of what works for you, taking the first step is very important but sticking with it is the most important. You have the power and control to change your life.  For some of you that may be healthy eating, for others it may be working out, for some it may be quitting smoking or drinking less, whatever it is that you’re working towards just remember it is one day at a time.


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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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As summer drew to a close a few weeks ago, Fall is upon us.  I have to admit it is my favourite season of the year.  The jeans, sweaters, vests, boots, scarves and hats all make their way out of the closets they have been hiding in all winter.  There is nothing like walking with the cool breeze enveloping you as you hold a warm latte in your hands.  Someone I follow on Instagram last week posted that there were 8 Fridays (last Friday) left in the year and if you lost a pound a week you’d be down 8 pounds before 2016.  How does that sound?  It actually sounded great to me but I started my journey in July when we joined  a brand new gym that opened in the area.  I have to say this is more than a gym, it is an experience.  As I type this I’m sitting in the Life Cafe.  I can see people checking in with their gym bags getting ready to hit the weights, machines, work out with their trainers, etc.  There are also some people who are here just to use the pool.  I’m bummed that the outdoor pool has closed for the season but here is a peak of what it looked like during the summer.

gympool (2)

Then there is the Life Spa that has pretty much everything you’re looking for: hair, nails, massages, facials, etc.  I’ve had a couple of blow outs and my eyebrows threaded and highly recommend it.  The best part of this club for me is the Kid’s Academy.  It is where the little miss goes while mommy is doing any/all of these things.  She is checked in to a safe environment full of caring people who know what makes her tick and how to keep her entertained for a couple of hours a day.  I’m not going to lie, that is the main reason why we joined the club.  The Kid’s Academy sold me.  The individuals who work here are qualified to be with little ones and have their safety in mind.  There are multiple check in, and more importantly, check out, features.  I can honestly say as a first time mom I feel very comfortable leaving her in their care.

One thing I’ve realized in this entire process is that a healthy mom makes for a healthy family.  We’re the glue holding all of this together so we need to have our A game in place.  It always drove me crazy when people would say to me that I needed to lose weight to be healthier.  Honestly, I don’t know how I could be healthier than I am.  If I choose to lose weight it won’t be to make you feel better about how you look at me.  It’ll be because I want to and have set it as a goal for myself.  I honestly don’t care what most people think of me.  That is what it means to be comfortable in your own skin.  It doesn’t matter what the general population thinks…I’ve had this mindset a very long time.  Now that the rant is over, I’m happy to say that I’ve been working hard every week.  I have a birthday coming up next month and some goals set to hit before that.  I look forward to telling you all about it in the coming weeks.

If you want to find out more information about the Life Time Athletics experience click here.

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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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