There I said it. I need a vacation from my kid’s vacation. We had the opportunity to give notice to our pre-school in the Spring if we wanted any time off in the Summer. Hubby and I thought it would be great to keep the kid home on two separate weeks. Of course life happened and the first week didn’t turn out as expected. First off it rained every single day the kid was home. That’s right 10 days of rain in a row. We were able to sneak in some outdoor time here and there but it was limited. Secondly it was humid as all you know what. The kid is a hotbody, not like the hashtag with the half naked woman on social media, she gets overheated easily and hates to be hot. Needless to say this mama had to punt and make the best of the cards that were dealt to her. All in all the kid didn’t complain, obviously, but here’s to hoping that the rain stays away later in the summer when she has her second week of vacation.
We were able to do some fun day trips including on to the Oshawa Zoo and Fun Farm, the local carnival, Whittamore’s Farm, our favourite Danforth Pizza House and of course the Big Apple. No my American friends I didn’t make it to Times Square but rather literally a big apple (see photos at end of post).
Bottom line the important thing for her was to be able to get out and explore. Whether that was at a new park we hadn’t visited ye, going to a carnival for the first, second and third time, feeding the animals at the zoo with her friends or building houses for the Paw Patrol pups while it poured outside. Thanks for a great week Miss K. Looking forward to many more adventures with you!
The sheep lining up to be fed at the Oshawas Zoo and Fun Farm.
Waiting in line with her friend A to board the strawberry ride at the carnival.
Making pizza at our favourite spot, Danforth Pizza House.
First time in the corn jumpy castle at Whittamore’s Farm.
Swinging for days, she literally could sit there for hours.
The Big Apple, this is as close as I’ll get for a while.