One of the topics that no one ever filled me in on when I became a parent is what do you do with everything? All the things that you accumulate? The swaddle blankets that you used everyday for the first few months. The car seat that she outgrew at 6 months. The toys, oh the amount of toys and the clothes. Seriously we could open our own boutique with the clothes that we’re so fortunate the kid had. I had this conversation with someone today on the amount of stuff these little people have. I’m not necessarily saying it is right, and certainly things don’t make kids happy, but man they sure acquire stuff. In my case it is the clothes. Having family living outside of the country it is the easiest thing to ship and not only that, they are sooo much cheaper in the lower 50 than they are up here. So we have a closet full, but after 2 1/2 years of collecting, I decided it was time to sell.
This past Sunday I participated in my first mom to mom sale. A place where other parents, grandparents, community members come to purchase new and gently used clothing. After hours of organizing clothing, selecting what was to be sold, boxing, loading the car, unloading the car, setting up at the venue, etc., it was all for less than I thought we would make. We carefully selected that show based on past performance of mom vendors, but when you’re competing with people who are selling their clothing for $1 or $2 you will never win. As my husband always says, c’est la vie! At least now everything is organized and ready to be photographed and put online. The new world of virtual garage sales is sweeping North America. Who knows, maybe we’ll have greater success there.