I’d like to take a moment to wish my μπαμπά a very Happy Father’s Day. He taught me that in life you have to work hard in order to achieve your goals. He guided without pushing and always wanted the best for me. He never told me no, even when my idea was crazy, he just was there to support and encourage if I failed. Although we can’t be together today to celebrate I can’t wait to see you soon! Also I’d like to wish an amazing day to brother, my father in law and last but not least my husband. The kid loves you to the moon and back and I do too!
Assessing your own mortality
So if we’re Facebook friends you may have seen that a high school classmate of mine passed away in a tragic accident a couple of weeks ago. She was driving in her car with her two daughters and was hit by an oncoming pick up truck that was hit by another truck that was pushed into her lane. It was a freak accident and quite honestly I have no idea if she knew what hit her or if there was anything that she could have done. She was able to save her two daughters and that in and of itself is a miracle. Of course this tragedy gets you thinking about your own mortality. I’m not that old, or at least I like to think I’m not. We were the same age, she was a few months older. She was lucky to have met her husband before I met mine and start a family sooner but she gave up her life as an teacher to stay home and raise her girls. These girls now need to go through life, especially the most challenging teenage years, without her.
As I drove home earlier today, with little Miss strapped in her car seat it got me thinking of how easily this could happen to any of us. I know other people who have died in tragic ways but they were older, much older, so I guess in a way that made it ‘okay’. As tragic as their passing was you were comforted that they had lived long, happy lives. It also made me think did I tell my husband that I loved him today? Did I give the kid an extra hug when I put her into that car seat? Did I make sure I listened to what she wanted to tell me that was sooo important, or did I half listen? I have said for a very long time that this is not a dress rehearsal so we must make today count.
Rest easy my friend, may your memory be eternal and may God continue to watch your family.
Summer has arrived
I am going to bite the bullet and say that summer has arrived! We’ve been having some awesome weather lately which has me outside and away from my computer. I debated about bringing the tablet near the water table but after my phone went swimming in the toilet I didn’t want to lose the tablet!
Since my last post we finished up our art program and little Miss had her final performance. There is a video of it somewhere for her to look back at years from now but I have to say I’m amazed at what this instructor was able to do with toddlers. Now don’t get me wrong, they did what they wanted to do, but for the most part, it was what was in the script. They took care of their farm and the animals just as if they were rock stars! Oh wait they were rock stars with their guitars and tutus! Here is a snapshot of the girls and their instructor harvesting the vegetables that they planted for themselves and their animals.
We’ve also gone back to our sportball class. If you know me personally, you know that I played basketball pretty much my entire life, so naturally I thought this class would be a great fit. I’m learning that my child certainly has a mind of her own. This past week she had no interest in the kicking drill that we were supposed to be doing but rather was rocking out to the music that the coaches were playing in the background. Don’t worry I didn’t push her to do the drill but rather stood there twirling her around while foam balls were flying around us. We must remember that is what life is about, the little moments.