Road trip!

Well we took our first official road trip of the summer (hence my not posting last week).  We made the drive to the homestead in Massachusetts.  My husband swears something changes in me as soon as I cross the border but I don’t buy it.  Perhaps it is the excitement of being somewhere that was home for so many years.  Perhaps it is the anticipation of sewing family and friends.  Unfortunately there is never enough time to see everyone and this does make me sad.  So if I didn’t get to see you this trip I’m sorry.  Hopefully we will see each other again soon!

One of the reasons we went to visit is that one of my dearest friends was getting married and there was no way we were missing that party!  The wedding was beautiful and a great day was had by all.

Road tripping with a toddler is a lot different than road tripping without a little one.  Yes, yes, everyone tells you this but until you experience it, you have no idea!  A few key things I learned is be prepared with snacks.  I always had a bag full of various snacks ready to go, both healthy options and some treats.  When push comes to shove and you are at hour 6 of your trip you are willing to do anything.  Duct tape–never travel without it.  Our toddler was getting into everything:  the kitchen cabinets, the cabinet underneath the bathroom sink, she even thought it was funny to open and close the door in between the rooms 25 times before daddy grabbed the tape and saved the day!

imageDo not worry no walls or doors were injured in the making of this photo.

Once we arrived at our destination it was great to see the little miss surrounded by love.  She was able to meet some of my friends for the first time and it was special to say the least.  We were also able to see some of the sights that Beantown has to offer.  Certainly we will do more next time but got a great taste this time.

If you are debating a road trip–do it.  Your kiddos are this age once.  Before you know it they will have their ear phones in and not want anything to do with you.  For now the smile on their face at the end of an exhausted day tells you you are doing something right!




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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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So having a toddler means that you get a lot of repetition. Hi…hi…hiiii is a frequent saying of the Little Miss. The other afternoon we went to the bank. The bank we stopped at was in a plaza. Since the sidewalks there are fairly large I let her walk next to me without holding her hand. Well she did as she does always and started waving at everyone walking by.  Once she didn’t get a reaction from the wave she started to say ‘hi.’  Once this didn’t get a reaction then the “Hi…hi…hiiii,” started.  A gentleman who worked at a male clothing store said hello to her as she was standing in the middle of his doorway and I think he was just trying to make sure she moved so no customers would feel threatened buy a toddler.  The mother/daughter combination walking into the salon didn’t even give her a second look, the mom just mumbled something under her breath and she guided her daughter into the salon.  I guess she must have forgotten what it is like to have a toddler who has short legs and walks slow.  Then the family of four (mother, father and two sons) barrle-assed by us and were visibly upset that we broke up their foursome as they had to part like the red sea to let the child by.  Meanwhile I will state that we were there first and really your kids are over 9 years old, how difficult is it to have everyone walk to one side.  At this point little miss seemed sad, not one of these people had said hello to her, smiled to her, or even acknowledged her.  When we finally made it to the doors of the bank a gentleman walked up behind us.  I quickly picked her up and told him to go through as it would take us some time.  He smiled, said hello and continued to hold the door for us while we went in.  He joked with her the whole way in and started chatting her up.

Thank you to this man who restored my faith in humanity.  Are we truly so busy that we can’t smile and wave at a child.  Are we truly in such a rush that having someone ‘in our way’ as we enter a store truly such a big deal that we need to comment it under our breath?  Are we in so desperate for that sale that a 25 lb toddler would stop a man from going into the men’s store?  I think we all need to take a few minutes and remember what it was like to not be jaded.  What it was like when we believed in all that is good in the world.  What it was like to breathe.

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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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A few more firsts…

It truly is amazing how the days are flying.  I held off writing last week as I wanted to send a full update on a couple of big firsts we had.

The first was our inaugural Mommy-Toddler train ride into Toronto.  We were lucky to have a friend and her little guy join us on the excursion.  I wasn’t necessarily worried about the ride as it was one I had made hundreds of times before when I used to work in Toronto but I was worried about how we would get around with a stroller.  Toronto, for as amazing as a city it is, isn’t the easiest to maneuver in a stroller.  Last time I had planned on doing this it was winter still and the ramp from the GO Train (think commuter rail for you folks reading this in Boston) to the subway wasn’t built yet and I didn’t think it was the smartest to go alone and have to deal with stairs.  So this time around our trip didn’t include the all well known elbowing for position on the platform as we went right after rush hour.  We entered on the accessibility coach, the only place really with a ramp and enough room to park a stroller in.   We were guided to the elevators when we got off in Toronto and then the goal was to maneuver our way into the PATH, Toronto’s underground walkway linking 30 kilometres of shopping, services and entertainment.  The ramp to the subway and PATH entrance had been completed so once we figured out where it was it was smooth sailing.  We made our first stop at Starbucks, grabbed some coffees and off we went.  It was great to be in the hustle and bustle of the city.  We made our way through the buildings in stride and only got a few dirty looks along the way.  I forgot how in a zone people are.  Granted we were there late morning/early afternoon and attempted to do our best to stay out of people’s way, some people still thought they owned the walkways and seemed bothered that strollers were in their way.  Regardless the kids did amazing and the mamas survived!!

Our second first was a trip to the Toronto Zoo.  This wasn’t just a first for the little one, it was a first for mama as well.  The zoo is huge, it is over 710 acres big.  The last zoo I had been to was the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago on a trip a few years back and that was only 35 acres big, so needless to say, I couldn’t even begin to fathom the vastness of this place.  Since we went on a weekday we were able to park fairly close and we were off and running.  The kid did well for about an hour, after that she could have cared less.  Maybe it was the school kids on their field trip who were everywhere, maybe it was the heat, maybe it was just that her attention span still isn’t that of an older child.  We lasted less than two hours.  That included losing a sun hat and a mini freak out in the gift shop where we went to replace the hat.  Needless to say I’ve decided we won’t be going back there fora few years.

Both mama and missy are happy the nicer weather is here.  That means more time outdoors: at the park, on bike or wagon rides and other fun excursions and firsts.  Time to bring out the play clothes and run around in the yard.  I try not to worry as I know they’ll be lots of falls and booboo kisses this summer.  I’m just preparing to enjoy every minute of it.
Remember my friends life is too short, you have no idea what tomorrow may bring so make today count!!

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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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