I can’t believe that my baby is one month old today. Seriously where did a month go?!? When people first found out I was pregnant they would say make sure to tell me to cherish those first few months. I am now looking back and thinking of all of the firsts.
Her first smile, gripping of our fingers, the first carriage ride around the block, doctor’s visit and all those noises in the middle of the night that give comfort to a mom that her baby is still alive–I know you guys did this too. Then there are the other firsts. I’ve been spit on, puked on, peed on and pooped on. We had our first poopy explosion when we went to grandma’s house and the ever prepared mom that I thought I was failed! Who knew a kid could blow through a travel pack of wipes with one poop? After being in sleepers for most of her life, this mom forgot to pack socks for the cute two piece back up outfit she had packed. Good thing grandma lives close and mom went back to get socks, another back up outfit and more wipes. From each first we learned and grew. I say we because I think hubby and I did just as much as the little one.
So this morning we sang Happy Birthday to our one month old. Mommy and Daddy love you to the moon and back! We can’t wait to see what the next month holds for us.
HAPPY 1 MONTH BIRTHDAY to your precious girl!! ♥
Thank you!
What a wonderful post!!! I love the living in pajama period-its so easy!! I ditched the travel size wipes and just carry around the wipes in the original packaging -it is so easy!!! Also,a tip my friend gave me was to keep an extra back up outfit and diapers in your trunk-this has come in handy for me when I forget to re-load the diaper bag!
That’s a great tip thanks so much! I threw another bag with stuff in the car. I have a feeling it will come in handy!