As a child growing up tomorrow was such a huge day. It was Thanksgiving, a day where you would gather with your family and friends and feast over food for hours. There would be laughter, some yelling (we’re Greek after all) and hours of being together. As someone whose entire family is in Greece, we were fortunate enough to have been “adopted” into a couple of families by my father’s cousin. Both sides were pretty big so these events had tons of people crammed into two or three rooms. The men in one room, the kids running around everywhere and the women usually in the kitchen making sure everyone was happy. And we were. We didn’t have the latest toys, we didn’t have much of anything but we had each other and really that is all that mattered.
This year your Thanksgiving dinner will probably look a little different thanks to Covid 19. There may be less people around your table and more people on your computer screen. Remember whatever the festivities look like, this year more than ever to take a moment to give thanks for all that you have. It is so easy to be mad at all that we’ve lost this year or that this pandemic has taken from us. But give thanks for all that you have and all that you are. Today isn’t about the biggest turkey, the most food on the table or the biggest gathering. It is about the love in your heart and what you do with it every day of the year.
Happy Thanksgiving my American Friends! Let me know what are you thankful for this year??