So you’re probably thinking what the hell is she doing in my mailbox. It has been a while my friends. Life as we know it has changed for all of us with this pandemic we’ve now been living for the last six months. To be honest I’ve thought many times about writing but literally, what the heck would I say? Hello, we’re alive but in lock down. Hello, we’re in phase one. Hello, we’ve moved to phase two. Finally in phase three. Who had the desire to write in the middle of a lock down? Certainly not me. But as my husband keeps reminding me, we paid for this site so it is time to come back and share some of myself.
How are things where you are? I know so many of my friends in the US and Europe are living different lives than we are here in Canada. Some are virtual learning/working, some are hybrid, some have actually gone back to classes/workplace. Many friends who work in office buildings in downtown urban areas are still working from home here. And I have to say we’re lucky here in Canada that our schools opened for in person learning in September. A staggered start but it provided some “normalcy”. Parents had the choice to do online learning, in person learning or pull their kids out and home school. We have friends doing all of the above. At the end of the day you have to do what is best for you and your family, for us that was in person learning. The kid went off to a new school this year learning in French and is in grade one. My baby is no longer a baby. She has her own unique style, opinions about things and is ready to take on the world. She’s trying to navigate her place in this world and of course that comes with some hiccups but I hope she knows that I’ll always be in her corner.
I wanted to share with you a photo from pick up earlier this week. They had painted circles in the schoolyard to help the kids with social distancing. How resilient are our kiddos for all of these changes that have come and continue to come their way? Happy Friday my friends! Have a safe and happy weekend!