She’s backkk..

Well I’m back.  I’m sorry for taking such a long break, that never was my intent but sometimes, a break is good for the soul.  I come back to you a year older, yes, I celebrated a birthday last month.  I come back to you another year married, we celebrated an anniversary this month and I come back to you a bit lighter.  This weight is both literal and figurative.  If you haven’t seen me in a while I’m a few pounds down…not to worry, nothing is wrong with me.  The hubby and I have tried a new way of eating called Keto (whick I’ll tell you more about in the coming weeks) and it seems to agree with us both.  It is a daily choice we make to stay on track and yes, it is a choice but one that we’re willing to make for that feisty preschooler we have.  The kid has asked me to no longer call her a toddler, which actually she is no longer in that defined title.  Usually that stops at the age of three and since the kid had a half birthday during my break well, she’s now in a category all on her own!  My preschooler has kept me busy to say the least and with the holidays almost upon us, it’ll just get more hectic.  Now is the time to set those family traditions that hopefully she’ll remember for a lifetime.  We’re fortunate to have booked a few events that I hope will excite her and remind us of what the true meaning of Christmas is all about.  So I’m back and look forward to connecting with you all in the coming weeks and months.

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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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