Three years ago today I sat down for the first time in front of my computer to write. I had no idea what I would really write about or honestly if anyone would read my blog. All I knew is that I was pregnant, in my third trimester and had this crazy idea. My husband who is my biggest supporter purchased the domain name, my good friend who is my go to techie helped me set it all up and there was no turning back.
It is hard to believe that today is my three year anniversary of blogging because so much has changed. I went from a scared pregnant woman to a mom of a toddler. I went from questioning could I do this to being confident in my parenting choices and decisions. I went from doing what I wanted when I wanted, to being mindful of this little person that was now my responsibility and changing my life in ways I had no idea she would. I went from searching for a group of mommies who were in the same situation as I, to creating a group of mommy friends that I wouldn’t change for the world!
Life, regardless of the stage has ups and downs. I’m grateful to be in a place where I can sit behind a screen and write about mine. I’m grateful for my upbringing so that I can share those ideals with my little one. I’m grateful for you, each one of you taking the time to read, comment, send me a text or email letting me know that you got something out of my blog. And of course I’m grateful to my hubby and the kid. If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have the content to keep doing what I’m doing.
You such an amazing woman and even more amazing mom & friend! Love you!
Great Read Roula!
Thanks lady!