Internet is down…now what?!?

Our house was thrown for a loop on Sunday when our TV, internet and phone went down.  Yes we’re one of those old school homes that still have a land line.  A little good it did us when it is all connected via one modem.  After almost two hours on the phone with tech support, hubby was able to convince them that we needed a new modem.  18 hours later, our problem was solved.  When I mentioned this to a friend she said, it must have been like being pioneers again.  That got me thinking, how attached we are to our communication devices.   I have been trying to limit my online time in anticipation of the little one’s arrival.  I know I won’t have the free time to respond to messages, texts, check Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, etc.  So why not limit everything now in advance?  I don’t think that this is good just for new mothers but for everyone.  Truly how connected do you need to be?  I actually just purchased online Arianna Huffington’s book Thrive which talks about disconnecting and living a more, “sustainable, fuller and more impactful life.”  You can find out more about the book, as well as order it here.

So you might ask, what did you do for 18 hours without anything?  Well of course I slept, or attempted to sleep as well as anyone can with less than 20 days to go.  I finished a book that I was reading and I decided to work on some sewing/embroidery projects that I wanted to finish.

I added some feet to a receiving blanket that I had purchased.  No it isn’t blue, it is teal, so don’t get any ideas 🙂


I also completed some embroidery on a bib that was plain white with a yellow border.


And finally a work in progress another bib with a baby on it.


Let me know what you think and of course as always, thanks for following!  Come back next week for the second installment of our blog collaborators.


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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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One Reply to “Internet is down…now what?!?”

  1. Sometimes having the internet go down can be a blessing in disguise! If we feel at a loss when this technology fails us, can we imagine how our kids will feel? We grew up in a world that was per-interent, and social media; however, they are born into one where this has been established. I wonder how they will cope when the connection fails them.

    Love the sewing projects!

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