Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day…February 14th.  It is the same day every year yet you will see thousands of people scrambling for that last minute card, gift or even flowers from the gas station to please their loved one.  My hubby thinks that it is a Halmark holiday.  I can’t say that I completely disagree with him.  I don’t believe that you should wait until one day a year that is decided for you to show the people that surround you that you love them.  You should do it every day in some small way.  Grand gestures don’t mean much if they aren’t backed up by day to day actions.  So today I will spend it with the people that I love.  I am grateful that I can do so and wish that I could do it every single day.

To all of you wonderful people who take the time to read my blog I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I wish you all a Happy Valentine’s Day!  May your day be full of love and laughter!


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A little ditty about Jack and Diane...no really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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