And we’re off…

Sorry of not writing last week.  The little one was sick and as most moms know once that happens nothing else matters.  We’ve been transitioning from an infant to a toddler.  Not that it happened overnight but really I guess now I’m letting myself admit to that I don’t have an infant anymore.  As my friend said don’t worry the day after her first birthday she’s still your baby.  Of course there is no denying that, it just seems as though my little baby is turning into a determined toddler.  We had two days of cuddles which brought me back to the early days when I could just leave her down for a minute and do something.  The days that were spent her sitting in her chair are now long gone.  Today we’re crawling round, couch surfing or using our pet elephant to walk around the house.  It is amazing as a parent to see all of these firsts through their eyes.  As a parent it is scary as all hell to see your tiny baby taking on their own personality and becoming a determined (also known as stubborn) toddler.  As a parent it is scary to see them open to so many people and not be afraid of anything.  As a parent it is our job to not put the kabosh on this.  It is our job to not let our fears enter their world yet. It is our job to protect them, not in the sake of having them live in a bubble, but in the sake of letting them explore, learn and turn into the amazing little boys and girls that will take on the world.

If you want to take a peek at some of the little lady’s first steps check out our walking video.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t wish my kid brother a very Happy Birthday!  May you have an amazing day!!! And of course to all of you all a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  StPatricksDayFree


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A little ditty about Jack and really in all seriousness I'm a daughter, sister, wife and mother. I'm a Greek-American, who has transplanted in Canada. As a first time mom I'm sharing some things as I go along.

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