As an American transplanted to Canada I get to celebrate two holidays this week. First, today is Canada Day. A day to celebrate Canada’s birthday. Later this week we’ll get to celebrate the 4th of July. With everything going on in the world it is amazing to be able to celebrate not one but two of these holidays!
The past week was a great one. I think the little one may have been going through a growth spurt, not that I’m an expert and all…LOL not! But she displayed some of the actions that we had at 4 weeks. We’ll find out at her next appointment. Hubby and I take bets now on height and weight, did/do any of you do this?
One interesting phenomenon that I know all of you moms out there and probably some of you dads have been a part of is the one handed eating. Your child is cranky and you can’t do anything to please them so you hold them while at the table. Now I can count on one hand the times this has happened to us but one was this past weekend. The little one was asleep as we decided to stop for some lupper (lunch/supper) at a local sushi restaurant. As luck would have it her eyes fluttered wide open as our water was put on the table. I knew that the quiet phase wouldn’t last throughout the entire meal. Now there were only two other tables of people at the restaurant so I wasn’t too worried about her crying but was conscious of these people. So as she became crankier I picked her up out of her car seat and held her. The goal was to get her back to sleep. After some rocking and some walking this did the trick. So at this point the food is on the table and I have a sleeping child in my arms. I wasn’t 100% confident in my put down technique so what did I do but hold her and eat. So here I am with chopsticks in hand eating my food with the eyes of all the servers on me. It really was quite comical for me as I really didn’t think anything of it and they were in awe. I figured that none had kids. Hubby and I enjoyed our meal, I put her back in the car seat and she slept all the way home. A few months ago I may have seen a woman like me and thought she was crazy or asked myself why even go out if you can’t enjoy it. The thing is I did enjoy it. The food was good, the company was even better and all was well in babyland!
So again regardless of where you might be reading from this week: Happy Canada Day! Happy 4th of July!
Happy Canada Day and 4th of July! I use to bring my babies out with me as well. Many times ate one handed (never with chopsticks though) Enjoy these times as there might be a time (around the age of 2 or so) that you won’t be able to go to any restaurant with her (can you say babysitter) That will pass as well! I think it was for Jonathan 18 months as he wouldn’t sit still for anything! Well….. ENJOY each milestone as I know you are doing…. Love you guys!